Thursday, June 12, 2014

"Bestowing women with the vote has ruined the family"

The title is a quote from David Barton, who has a B.A. from Oral Roberts University. Keep in mind, please, that the only reason institutions such as Oral Roberts University, Liberty University, TheFamily (aka: "The Fellowship") and The Heritage Foundation exist is to turn out people who have successfully learned NOT to think, to be non-stop founts of indefensible, unfounded Right-wing rhetoric on The Constitution, American History, Human Rights, their version of Christianity, and theocracy.

I won't get into the history of women's suffrage or why giving women the right to vote (other than the well-intended disaster that was the era of Prohibition), has only been good for America, just as giving African-Americans and Immigrants the vote has only been good for America. I will only say that any woman who believes women voting is bad for America has my absolute support if they choose not to vote. 

The right to vote is a recognition of the citizenship, even the humanity, of an individual. Which is why certain religious-political groups are working so hard to curb voting rights for "commoners" - they believe only rich white guys are fully human, fully citizens, thus the rest of us are not wise enough to make important decisions  concerning our individual and communal lives.

The right to vote matters, people, and it's the only real power that We The People have that keeps that portion of humanity that is inclined to "bossiness" in check. Use it or lose it. Vote or you have no right to whine when things aren't done the way you think they should be done.  

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A Modest Proposal - Outlawing Prostate Exams and Treatment for Protrate Cancer

I'm opposed to prostate exams and treatment for prostate cancer.  Human cancer cells contain human DNA, thus, if God gave you prostate cancer it is up to God what happens, and how dare you try to intervene in what God has declared.

I, therefore, propose legislation supporting the following:

*All doctors performing prostate exams must have hospital privileges and all urologist and proctologist offices must be up to hospital standards, including ICU beds and equipment for, say, 15 patients at a time. Just in case something goes wrong.

 *All men to watch a graphic video and receiving graphic printed matterial (containing material which is untrue and intended to discourage choosing prostate exams and treatment of prostate cancer - all of which must be read out loud to the patient and signed by them) of the mental, physical and emotional damage that can occur from prostate exams and cancer treatment (after all, if you want an prostrate exam and cancer treatment, you CLEARLY haven't thought things through), and then a 24 hour waiting period to think about all of this before the exam may be performed.

*There is no need for more than one place performing prostate exams per state (after all, it's not a hardship for a man to drive 150 miles to have an exam if it's really all that necessary), therefore the number of clinics allowed to perform prostate exams is limited to one per state.

Yes, this is stupid, cruel and hateful. Just as all of the rationalization and rhetoric and legislative gyrations employed to cut women off from access to birth control and safe, legal abortion is stupid, cruel and hateful.

“Get out of people’s personal lives”: Meet the sweeping abortion restriction that even “pro-life” voters won’t support

How sweeping does a measure have to be for conservative "pro-life" voters to turn on it? Tennessee may find out